Moving Your Body Well Winter Workshops

Moving Your Body Well
Winter Workshops
January 28 ~ February 19 ~ March 25
1-5pm ET
Continuum is an approach to exploring how we live in, and move through, our bodies. It is a portal to a deeper awareness of, and connection to, embodiment, movement, learning, growth, well-being, and creativity. Attention to internal experience through breath, sound, meditative awareness, and fluid movement expands our experience of embodiment and opens us to new possibilities of inhabiting our bodies and expressing ourselves through them.
Emergent ideas, potent images, and interesting themes set the ground for movement exploration. Different movements are combined with breath and sound to encourage embodied, mindful exploration of the idea, image or theme. We often change our relationship to gravity to invite new internal feedback and information. The pace of this series will be at times very quiet, slow, and meditative, with participants exploring nearly invisible micro-movements. We will also explore fast and lively movements in large wave-like, spiraling motions. This way of being helps us to “move well”.
$45 per session - 3/$120
please reach out directly to Bobbie to sign up:
somawithbobbie@gmail.com or call 732-266-1468