Resolutions In Motion 2024

One-day workshop
Greenfield, MA, USA
Co-Teacher (non-CTA):
Greenfield, MA, USA
Class Language:
Virtual class details:
A virtual live event to be watched on-line at a specific time.
Recorded for you to watch at any time.

RESOLUTIONS IN MOTION ~ 10th Annual New Year's Day Retreat

“We live on an earth where change is the only thing we can be sure of. And our silky bodies, webbed with wisdoms belied by the rushings of our 21st-century lives, have the pacings of plants budding and light expanding.”
Carolyn McVickar Edwards

CHOOSE: half day ~ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm or full day retreat ~ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm • PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED

2023 was a continuous stream of creative and transformational opportunities, especially if we were willing to go deeper and stretch ourselves further than ever before. This certainly manifested but wasn't always comfortable. This past year allowed all of our connections – to Self, Others, and Life itself – to become more vivid, alive, and intense as we experience new levels of opening, expansion and growth in our hearts/bodies/minds.

On January 1st, 2024, the 10th annual Resolutions in Motion retreat will create space for you to dissolve any residue of 2023 and open to the vast sea of potential that is the year ahead.

The mind’s perception of our experience forms the world we live in. In this New Year's Day retreat, we will SLOW DOWN, increase our awareness, and enhance our ability to sense and more accurately perceive ourselves in the present moment. With explorations of sound & silence; stillness & movement; art, language & dance, we will practice how to surrender more gracefully, with less resistance, to change and reclaim the power of choosing how we respond to what is by entering the deep listening.

What is the deep listening?

… a greeting from the secret ones inside the heart, a letter.

The branches of your intelligence grow new leaves in the wind of this listening.

There’s a river inside every human being.

Learn to be companions with it.

Give more of your life to this listening.

~ Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)

For comfort and spaciousness, there are limited spaces available in the beautiful 1000+sq.ft Community Yoga & Wellness studio. Commit now to reserve your space!

Read more here. To register, email:

Suggested tuition: $45 half day/$90 full day options

If current circumstances present any obstacles to your coming to this workshop, please call Megan to arrange a rate that is affordable for you.

For more information, email