Continuum, Part 5: Fluid Fitness
Ok, here comes one of my favorite practices of Continuum! The "Continuum Playground" also called "Jungle Gym". It is an active, dynamic form of movement, playing with gravity, species inclusivity (meaning that we have the whole animal kingdom inside of us), riding through emotions, shapes and forms. In the video you see some of the starting positions for Jungle Gym, together with the HU-breath (That breath is best to learn from a Continuum Teacher to make sure it comes easy, light and playful. We don't want to force anything or give any form of stress to the system!). From there it can go into an open movement exploration afterwords. You can layer it, starting all over from position one. Or layer it with any other sequence. Take as much time as you feel like. Coming back to baseline and rest in order to integrate. Volker was authorized as Continuum Teacher and practitioner by Emilie Conrad in 2012. He is founding member of the Continuum Teachers Association.