A Sacred Journey Through Tibet

An 11-day Journey Through the Ancient Lands & Monasteries of Tibet
Join Sarah Grace and Matthew Kocel for this Pilgrimage of a Lifetime as we journey through Tibet's Monastic Buddhist Land, steeped in Sacred Tradition. Together, with a local guide, we will visit ancient monasteries, local villages & communities, mountain ranges, and Sacred Glacier lakes throughout Tibet's vast landscape.
Daily, Sarah and Matthew will guide us through Somatic experiences, such as Continuum Movement, and healing for an integrated balance of exploration, awe and restoration.
Sacred Exchange:
Pre-register by Mar. 15th
$4,000 shared / $4,444 single
Thereafter $5,000 shared /$5,888 single
For more information or questions, please visit www.ASacredJourneyThroughTibet.com, or contact the office: support@somaticsanctuary.com and (805) 633-9230.