Alchemy of Eros ~ Rewilding Your Bodyscape, Igniting Your Life Flame ~

Bodyscape as Holy Ground, as Temple, as incarnational masterpiece, as sacred, as matter frequency field, as song. This is not a return, as we have not yet been. This is not reclamation or recovery. This is birth, this is metamorphosis, this is truth, this is birthright. Our darkening world of culture has done everything possible to dry out our hearts, to keep us small, fear- full, starved of our own inner gifts and natural abilities. The true technology is our biology, our quantum bodyscape, our extraordinary sensing, feeling, knowing capacities created for experiencing. When we ignite our purpose, our creativity and potency, our radiant life flame, meaning and action align.
Who are you becoming? Lean in close to the channel of silence living in your innermost Self. Our future is inside, intrinsic, sourcing the streams of future tides filling the larger field of our collective. We are a unified field of frequency singing alone together. The Universe breathes us out of illusion and into truth.....we are not alone....
Come out of the safe corners of your personal fiction into the bright solar light of unveiled recognition. Behold your essence, your True Self. You are vast, unending, currents of Lovingness braided in form. Eros is the force of creation that draws matter frequencies together, weaving the dream of existence. Eros is the Loving of this life, from primordial appetite to serene contemplation. We have over civilized, deeply mechanized and severely limited ourselves to a point of stagnation. Preoccupation with safety and stability will keep us barely living. The Love we are becoming lives beyond those margins in an Ocean of vitality, in a space of risk. We no longer recognize ourselves. We no longer know who we are.......what an opportunity!
Metamorphosis and change is our natural state. We are creatures of flow and wonder, abiding and creating, being and loving. Eros is seed to the flower of our true becoming.
We enter through movement, breath, silence, sound, sensation. We gather the missing ones, the ones we left or turned away long ago. We welcome with gentleness the ones who are afraid.
We go step by step at our own pace. Here, we Love ourselves as Nature, no longer willing to be parted from her another moment. Here, we arrive - breath by breath, sensation by sensation, vibration by vibration - home in the waters of ancient origins. Here, we sing ourselves anew, a ripe and ready location of infinite being, Love ensouled and vibrantly alive.
© 2022 Sabine Mead
~ Some Continuum Experience Required ~
This 5 day retreat will be held at Shanti Meditation Hall, 625 Laurel Creek Road, NE, Pilot, Virginia, 24138
Hours: Wednesday, April 19 12:30 - 5:30PM
Thursday, April 20 9:30AM - 5:30PM with a meal break
Friday, April 21 10AM - 9PM with two meal breaks
Saturday, April 22. 10AM -9PM with two meal breaks
Sunday, April 23 10AM - 2PM
This format includes a period of silence ( to be determined ).
Housing and meals are not included ( we will have catered meals for Friday & Saturday dinner for a small fee).
Airbnb & VRBO are available in Floyd County. If you are interested, I will put together a group house to share. Let me know if you want this option.
Tuition: $432
Payment plans available.
Please click here to register.