3 SUNDAYS: June 20, July 11, and August 1 • 9:00-11:00 am • COME TO ANY or ALL!
Location: Northfield Mountain Recreation Center
99 Millers Falls Rd, Northfield, MA 01360, USA
This summer we're taking Continuum OUTDOORS into the beauty of Nature's Playground! We will start with a short hike to get our bodies and hearts moving, taking us to a natural movement studio where we can interact with the rocks, trees, and streams. These outdoor Continuum explorations will begin with the more active, playful, and gently stimulating version of this practice, called Continuum Playground, and complete with time to bathe our senses and fully enter the mind-quieting magic of the New England woodlands in summer before we hike back down to our cars.
Beginners welcome! Bring your curiosity and an open mind, and you’ll have everything you need!
Please wear comfortable layers of clothing you feel most at ease moving in. Bring 2 full water bottles - one to bring with you and one to leave in the car for afterwards!
RESERVE YOUR SPACE IN ADVANCE! Email megan@somanautiko.com
Suggested tuition: $25 per each Continuum Playground event.
For each workshop, there is a suggested tuition. Please do not let your own personal finances or current circumstances prevent you from coming to classes. Please call Megan to arrange a rate that is affordable for you.
Payments can be made via:
1) Check - mailed to: 28 High Street Greenfield, MA 01301
2) PayPal.me/Somanautiko (please use Friends/Family option)
If you have any questions or need more information, please call Megan directly at: 413.772.0078
Please click here to register.