EDEN ~ Our Journey of Love & Wholeness

We are woven by Mystery from dynamic polar forces we refer to as Masculine and Feminine. In truth, these forces exist beyond notions of gender or role in a realm of
cosmos and chaos, the very essence of who and what we are, the very essence of the Universe itself. These forces weave and wind their way through us, through the
fabric of our lives, our thoughts, our emotions, the voltage of our being. Learning what these forces are, how to live in and through them, how to manage and master
them is our life’s work.
Every culture has many stories, myths, traditions and beliefs regarding how we might corral and contain our diverse energies of dark and light and bring them into
harmony. I resource the indigenous wisdom of ancient pre-Hawaiian Mu culture as well as our more recent western cultural myths as a way to enter the Garden of
Earth, also known as Eden. Here, we live as organic beings in a phenomenal reality, wrestling and molding these massive forces into a spinning convergence of
equilibrium. It is from this state of oscillation that we become artists of our own humanity, sculpted by ancient alchemical pathways of integration and wholeness.
In this five-class online series, we will discuss the nature of these polar forces and how we may bring them into a greater octave of resonance, mutual respect and
collaboration. Continuum, with its intrinsic focus on the experiential and intuitive ways of knowing, will be our main practice. I will also be weaving in other tools and
practices as part of this ceremony. My intention is to offer and weave these elements into practical applications for your ongoing evolution. In my view, we are in a
quantum leap of consciousness, a window of immense potential for liberation, transformation and integration. It is time to become the Garden, to manifest the
Eden within our hearts as embodied beings of Earth and Sky. It is through this reorientation that we honor this extraordinary realm and come to innerstand our true
purpose within it.
Dates: Sundays - October 27; November 24, 2024, January 26; March 30 & April 27, 2025
Times: 14h - 17h CET
Tuition: $250
Registration: email Lucile Pinteaux at bonjour@lucilepinteaux.com