Embodiment Through the Senses: A Continuum Retreat
The primary language of the body is silent-felt sensation. This workshop will present a wide scope of views and opportunities to experience the wisdom and creativity of this language of your senses.
Discover the radical possibilities in health and well-being available when you combine the fluid movement practices of Continuum and mindfulness meditation with the principles of osteopathic treatment into the way you care for yourself. Cultivate awareness of internal experience through breath, sound, meditation, and movement, and integrate these practices into daily life, nurturing a renewed sense of devotion to self-care.
Restore trust in the wisdom of your body as you allow yourself to sense deeply. Step outside your preconceived notions about your body and discover your inner resources for resilience, adaptability, and change. This workshop offers the tools you need to access this inner healing realm on your own.
This workshop experience can be valuable both as a form of self-exploration and self-care, and as a way for practitioners to develop and deepen the perceptual skills used with patients or clients.
Beth Pettengill Riley will be assisting Bonnie.
All “levels” of ability and experience are welcome.
Please click here to register.