The Elemental Body: Personal Vitality & Ecological Kinship

Begin 2023 with a practice to vitalize and nourish your whole self.
Embody the essential elemental forces of Air, Earth, Fire and Water with a guided breath, sound, and fluid movement Continuum practice.
The elements are expressions of the natural world that unify our human bodies in kinship with the full web of life.
All are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing for this somatic movement workshop.
Gather a chair, blanket/mat, and cushions to support you.
10:30 am ET, 7:30 am PT, 3:30 pm British Isles, 4:30 pm Europe
90 minutes
This workshop is part of 7 Days of Rest. 7 Days of Rest, January 1-7, is an annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community
Continuum guides Elaine Colandrea and Rori Smith of Watermark Arts - an endeavor that unites somatic practice and creative expression - lead this 90 min workshop drawing upon their book, The Elemental Body: A Movement Guide to Kinship with Ourselves and the Natural World.
Please click here to register.