Unfolding, Enfolding and Enlivening with Continuum
“We can be seen as a fluid unfolding of an innate intelligence. It is the same intelligence that is guiding the sperm and egg, the same intelligence that created the membrane of the first cell, the intelligence that moves galaxies and iguanas. We inhabit a sea of intelligent life beckoning us to enter.” – Emilie Conrad, Life on Land
Each of us spirals into form as we develop embryologically in the womb. We have the potential to unfold as we meet life’s offerings and challenges. When what we meet is too much for us at any given time, we contract in protection. Culturally we also learn to inhibit our natural flow.Continuum facilitates melting these inhibitors, enabling us to return to our potential embodiment of the “sea of intelligent life” that we are.In this 3-hour Continuum class, we use the gentle sounding, breaths and mindful movement of Continuum to soften the inhibitors and explore our potential to unfold, enfold and enliven more fully.
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