Bathing The Bones at the Human Movement Conference

OCTOBER 2-4, 2020
Bathing the Bones
Continuum is “moving medicine”. It is a movement and life practice originated by Emilie Conrad that uses breath, sound and movement to awaken our innate, primal movement. Emilie taught that all fluids are basically one element, resonating with all other fluids. They function as
a kind of umbilical cord supplying us with the pulsing undulations of life. Continuum increases flexibility, motility, wellbeing, creativity, innovation, adaptability and vitality.
Our movement patterns have origins in the sea. Connecting to this fluid system offers levels of nourishment, liberation and healing that restore, youthfulness, playfulness and ease. This introduction to Continuum will weave breath and sound together with movement sequences to invite free-flowing, organic movement. Bringing fluid movement into other movement practices
can increase their potential for healing, strengthening and diversifying movement range.
Continuurhythm® integrates Continuum, a fluid embodied practice inspired by the undulations of human movement, Polyvagal-informed dance and soma-movement therapies, and sacred dance.
Continuurhythm® offers a rhythmic, physically strengthening and spirit nourishing “workin” for whole body fitness. It is appropriate for movers and dancers of all levels of experience and fitness who want to connect to the deep roots of all movement, the ease and flow of wave motion – our
inner choreographer.
Please click here to register.