Dreaming the Dolphin Sea
The ocean is home. Home to the myriad of creatures who live beneath and swim through her fluid depth, home of origin for the human being and body. Blue Diamond Retreats and Wild Quest partner to offer an embodied exploration of the Ocean’s majesty, dolphin magic, and the mystery of Continuum.
This retreat, lovingly facilitated by Amber Gray and Rebecca Lawson, combines breath-inspired sound-streams and movement explorations to invite us into curiosity and flow, with daily wild dolphin encounters. Dolphins are bright, playful and intelligent beings! They literally sense the field and will interact and play when called by our resonant presence and love. Our dolphin dives become portals to dream us home to our hearts.
To Register: contact Rebecca or Amber.
Rebecca.amislawson@gmail.com, amber@ecentral.com
For information about the venue: www.wildquest.com