Heart of Belonging
Poets and soul tenders speak of belonging to an original seed image that lives in the heart and is a primary organizing force of our creativity. What is calling in your heart asking to be born into this world, that would meet and fulfill a longing of this world?
Belonging is a powerful theme, directly related to our longing for intimacy—to meet and be fully met. We suffer when our need for connection is not met. By refining the compass of our genuine longing and belonging, new possibilities emerge.
Come belong to your own heart where the searing fires of loss and possibility meet, where healing happens. With awareness, compassion and an awakened imagination you can belong to all that the river of life delivers, as life changes in you and around you.
Susan and Rebecca bring new movement motifs and sound explorations to facilitate a healing liquid articulation throughout the whole organism. Discover belonging as you receive the sound and breath of the wind, and the wild and subtle beauty that lives in the natural world - ‘your nature is nature.’
We develop practices to be lovingly honest with what is—listening to the unattended sorrows, tending gratitude, acknowledging disappointment and celebrating joy.
These practices open fresh heart-based perceiving, creative imagination, and a radical capacity for presence, resonance and love, which affects how we relate.
Each day we will have two Zoom sessions. There will be inspirational talks, experiential instructions. Susan or Rebecca will guide meditative, perceptual explorations, and an extended Continuum dive (no need to look at a screen.) There will be time for questions and answers to refine the process of our soulful inquiry and for sharing our experiences. We will also make use of breakout rooms for paired exercises.
This intensive is for those new to Continuum as well as those with decades of experience.
Please click here to register.