Heart of Inquiry—An Online Continuum Exploration

“The marvelous thing about a good question
is that it shapes our identity
as much by the asking as it does
by the answering.” David Whyte
In challenging times like these we need inquiry to go beyond the familiar, to dissolve spells of conditioning, to shed old skins of meaning that have grown too tight, and to follow the longing of our soul. The soul knows how to find its own way. Awaken courage to simmer in the tension of all that is paradoxical and unknown—the creative alchemy that unfolds the pathless path.
Sounding and Somatic Inquiry – Sense intrinsic movements and the fluid forces of creation that guide healing and creative unfolding.
Perceptive Inquiry – Consider “how” you see and free your perceptive dialogue with the living phenomena of life.
Relational Inquiry – Explore being simultaneously with yourself AND with another.
We discern the life-enhancing questions that, as David Whyte says, “can make or unmake a life ... questions that have no right to go away".
What do you wholeheartedly love?
What support is needed to live a courageous life informed by core values?
What is the conversation your soul is here to have?
With heart-based imagination we discover an adventurous soulful embodied engagement that meets the times and occasions in which we live. Come dare to love, weep, laugh, and meet the splendor and 'terrible beauty' that the river of life delivers.
We are pleased to have Continuum teachers Robin Becker, Emma Destrubé, Kori Tolbert and Erin Butterworth assisting in this retreat.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
February 26-28
Pacific Time Zone
9-12:30pm and 3-5:30pm
This event will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.
Recordings will be available online for 3 months.
For more information and to register, please click here.