Heart of Practical Mysticism

Practical mysticism affirms that all things are sacred, and deserving of reverence and respect. From this perspective, we explore ways of participating in vivid harmony and connection with all life.
With fresh sensuous perceiving, consciousness unfolds spherically toward the world and flows back inside. With multi-dimensional perception a natural sense of belonging arises.
Join us to cultivate somatic listening, enhance attunement to bodily experiences and sense discoveries in non-worded knowing.
We will draw on our innate capacity for “Aesthesis,” an ancient Greek word for the heart’s ability to experience and be touched by Nature. When we contact the world deeply and are mutually touched, both are transformed in a fluid unfolding field.
We collaborate in new and surprising ways that enhance healing, wholeness, and creativity.
Limited to 16 participants (who can join live) for in-depth mentoring.
Please click here to apply.