LIGHT-SPACE IN BETWEEN: Flowing with the Waves of Change

June 5-26, Saturdays 11:15 a-1p PST, Wednesday June 16, 4:30-5:30p
I invite you to join me for this 4 week Continuum Immersion to return to our foundation and what's most fundamental.
Silence and audible exhales in the way we explore in Continuum allow our inner music to move us from the inside out following the inherent health of our unique organism.
Relating to our midline as an antenna permits us to accurately read our ever-changing environment without needing to fixate on the ways we respond.
Time together as a group to dive below our familiar patterns has proven to be incredibly valuable even through the Zoom-Field. The action of giving ourselves a couple hours a week dedicated to our personal and unique exploration into health and movement is a radical act of love towards self and the world around us.
I invite you to join me to play the chords of our bodies and discover new ways to move forward as kinder bipeds in harmony with the new possibilities being offered to us.
Included in Immersion program:
* 4 Live Continuum Classes via Zoom
Saturdays, 11am - 1:15pm PST
June 5, 12, 19 & 26
All sessions will be recorded and replay links emailed to participants
Each week we will explore a different theme and the immersion will build week to week.
You will receive the sequence to explore prior to the class by email.
* Zoom Tea Time Hour
Wednesday June 16
4:30-5:30pm PST
A time to come together as a group to express questions and share discoveries you experience during the Immersion.
* Inspiration Wednesdays
Midweek you will receive an email with suggestions on how to refine the practice we embarked on Saturday and with related inspirational reading.
$88 or $125 for the total Immersion experience
choose the amount that works best for you
Payment is due by June 3 to participate.
I am well aware how much we have all been affected financially and my intention is to keep the monetary exchange doable for all. If it is challenging for you to meet this price please email me.
Please click here to register.